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Samples Renraku RnDrill WAV-FANTASTiC


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Level 5

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3 229
68 277
1 630
31 Décembre 2020

The Everyday Samples team joins the Renraku catalog with RnDrill.

Combining elements of UK Drill and RnB to significant effect, RnDrill brings with it a collection of tight drums, catchy songstarters, and hypnotic grooves.

Focusing on the more melodic side of UK Drill, RnDrill delivers outstanding ready to use songstarters. In addition to songstarters, full melodic stack loops and instrument loops are included to help you hone your ideas from brainstorming to that final touch.

Whether you need a single loop to round out production, or want to build upon the music loops included: RnDrill has you covered.


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