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VST Nomad Factory Retro EQs Bundle v2.0.1-TeamCubeadooby


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Level 5

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3 226
68 218
1 630
31 Décembre 2020

The Retro EQs Bundle is a faithful emulation of the legendary Pultec & Altec passive analog equalizers range from the 50’s. The hardware has been heard on countless records and are still being used today.

The Retro EQs Bundle v2 adds adjustable analog circuit modules (in both Pulse-Tec & ALL-Tec plug-ins), that replicates the complex behavior of the original tubes and transformers. They generate pleasant analog saturation effects, to any sound you feed into them.

V2 features a completely rewritten DSP, brand new resizable UIs with two skins, along with many other funky improvements.


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