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VST iZotope Vinyl v1.12.1-R2R


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Level 5

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3 240
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1 630
31 Décembre 2020

The ultimate lofi plug-in - Now with Native Kontrol Standard
Vinyl simulates the dust, scratches, warp, and mechanical noise of beloved vinyl records. Oh yeah, and it's FREE.

Analog vibe, with a few new tricks. With Native Instruments NKS—Native Kontrol Standard—you can now use iZotope Vinyl without taking your hands off your MASCHINE controller or KOMPLETE KONTROL keyboard. Add age, scratches, electrical noise, and more to your track, directly from your instrument. With no setup needed, on-the-fly tweaking, and menu browsing right from hardware controls, you can keep your mind on your music, not the minutiae—mouse and keyboard optional.


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