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VST IK Multimedia T-RackS 5 Complete v5.5.1 Incl Keygen-R2R


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31 Décembre 2020

IK Multimedia has announced the release of T-RackS Space Delay. This new vintage tape delay/spring reverb plug-in recreates the detailed character and sound of an iconic tape echo unit heard on countless albums and can be used both as a stand-alone plug-in or inside T-RackS 5.

T-RackS 5 is the ultimate mix and mastering workstation from the creator of the first desktop mastering software.

IK Multimedia invented T-RackS in 1999, marking the beginning of a new era by unleashing the power of a complete, affordable mastering software tool to everyone.

Since then we have been leading the way, setting an industry standard and crafting some of the world's best sounding plug-ins for professional applications. From day one, an ever-growing number of professionals and enthusiasts have trusted our expertise and meticulous approach to creating the finest digital processors on the planet. It's no coincidence that thousands of top-charting records have been made using T-RackS.


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