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Samples Ardist 2020 Collection Drum Kit WAV-FANTASTiC


Membre ✓
Level 5

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3 241
68 644
1 630
31 Décembre 2020

This is the 2020 Collection, it may be a familiar name to those who have seen cookups and streams from Southside, PVLACE, CashMoneyAP, E-Trou, FrancisGotHeat, and many other producers within Internet Money and 808 Mafia. I sent it directly to them.

I made this kit in 2019 out of my own unreleased drums as well as drums from all of my kits at the time (Eros 2020 and everything that was released prior.) It was supposed to be a demo kit for sound design clients, If they liked it they'd commission me to either ghost design their public kits (stuff on splice mostly) and make them private drums that no one else would have. (As a side note I've ghost designed 3 kits that hit #1 on the splice top packs list.)

Funnily enough many clients used this kit more than anything and I guess it really just hits the perfect combination of variety and simplicity due to how it's organized.


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Membre ✓
Level 5

Torrents Stats

3 241
68 644
1 630
31 Décembre 2020
Le lien fonctionne très bien.



l'Affirmé 🥈
Level 3

Torrents Stats

19 Mai 2020

This is the 2020 Collection, it may be a familiar name to those who have seen cookups and streams from Southside, PVLACE, CashMoneyAP, E-Trou, FrancisGotHeat, and many other producers within Internet Money and 808 Mafia. I sent it directly to them.

I made this kit in 2019 out of my own unreleased drums as well as drums from all of my kits at the time (Eros 2020 and everything that was released prior.) It was supposed to be a demo kit for sound design clients, If they liked it they'd commission me to either ghost design their public kits (stuff on splice mostly) and make them private drums that no one else would have. (As a side note I've ghost designed 3 kits that hit #1 on the splice top packs list.)

Funnily enough many clients used this kit more than anything and I guess it really just hits the perfect combination of variety and simplicity due to how it's organized.

Voir la pièce jointe 45192

[<b>Contenu masqué</b>]
very nice you got it

Axel kmb

l'Accru 🥇
Level 2

Torrents Stats

20 Avril 2020

This is the 2020 Collection, it may be a familiar name to those who have seen cookups and streams from Southside, PVLACE, CashMoneyAP, E-Trou, FrancisGotHeat, and many other producers within Internet Money and 808 Mafia. I sent it directly to them.

I made this kit in 2019 out of my own unreleased drums as well as drums from all of my kits at the time (Eros 2020 and everything that was released prior.) It was supposed to be a demo kit for sound design clients, If they liked it they'd commission me to either ghost design their public kits (stuff on splice mostly) and make them private drums that no one else would have. (As a side note I've ghost designed 3 kits that hit #1 on the splice top packs list.)

Funnily enough many clients used this kit more than anything and I guess it really just hits the perfect combination of variety and simplicity due to how it's organized.

Voir la pièce jointe 45192

[<b>Contenu masqué</b>]
merci beaucoup ca faisait longtemps que je le cherchais


l'Accru 🥇
Level 1

Torrents Stats

20 Août 2020

This is the 2020 Collection, it may be a familiar name to those who have seen cookups and streams from Southside, PVLACE, CashMoneyAP, E-Trou, FrancisGotHeat, and many other producers within Internet Money and 808 Mafia. I sent it directly to them.

I made this kit in 2019 out of my own unreleased drums as well as drums from all of my kits at the time (Eros 2020 and everything that was released prior.) It was supposed to be a demo kit for sound design clients, If they liked it they'd commission me to either ghost design their public kits (stuff on splice mostly) and make them private drums that no one else would have. (As a side note I've ghost designed 3 kits that hit #1 on the splice top packs list.)

Funnily enough many clients used this kit more than anything and I guess it really just hits the perfect combination of variety and simplicity due to how it's organized.

Voir la pièce jointe 45192

[<b>Contenu masqué</b>]



l'Actif 🥉
Level 1

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24 Juin 2020

This is the 2020 Collection, it may be a familiar name to those who have seen cookups and streams from Southside, PVLACE, CashMoneyAP, E-Trou, FrancisGotHeat, and many other producers within Internet Money and 808 Mafia. I sent it directly to them.

I made this kit in 2019 out of my own unreleased drums as well as drums from all of my kits at the time (Eros 2020 and everything that was released prior.) It was supposed to be a demo kit for sound design clients, If they liked it they'd commission me to either ghost design their public kits (stuff on splice mostly) and make them private drums that no one else would have. (As a side note I've ghost designed 3 kits that hit #1 on the splice top packs list.)

Funnily enough many clients used this kit more than anything and I guess it really just hits the perfect combination of variety and simplicity due to how it's organized.

Voir la pièce jointe 45192

[<b>Contenu masqué</b>]


l'Affirmé 🥈
Level 1

Torrents Stats

27 Novembre 2020

This is the 2020 Collection, it may be a familiar name to those who have seen cookups and streams from Southside, PVLACE, CashMoneyAP, E-Trou, FrancisGotHeat, and many other producers within Internet Money and 808 Mafia. I sent it directly to them.

I made this kit in 2019 out of my own unreleased drums as well as drums from all of my kits at the time (Eros 2020 and everything that was released prior.) It was supposed to be a demo kit for sound design clients, If they liked it they'd commission me to either ghost design their public kits (stuff on splice mostly) and make them private drums that no one else would have. (As a side note I've ghost designed 3 kits that hit #1 on the splice top packs list.)

Funnily enough many clients used this kit more than anything and I guess it really just hits the perfect combination of variety and simplicity due to how it's organized.

Voir la pièce jointe 45192

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