Quakecraft 1.4.2


Heuuuu, ceci est un titre personnalisé du turfu !
Level 4

Torrents Stats

26 Décembre 2018
The plugin is no longer supported for a while.
Both the developers are busy with studies and related projects.

Lien Supprimé ou HS

Definitely one of the most famous and historical Minecraft minigames, we decided to develop it faithfully as the original one and to make it completely customizable at the same time! Lien Supprimé ou HS

Lien Supprimé ou HS

Let's list all of its features! Lien Supprimé ou HS
  • Multi-arena
  • Shop
  • Arena power-ups
  • Money received messages in actionbar
  • Possibility to hide nametags
  • Possibility to disable sneaking
  • 44 configurations files waiting to be edited!
    • Almost all guis are configurable
    • Almost all scoreboards are configurable
    • Almost all hotbars are configurable
    • All messages are configurable
    • All shop features are configurable
    • All game settings are configurable
    • Configurable arena's power-ups
  • Vary database support (to save kills, wins, played matches...)
    • RethinkDB support (suggested)
    • MongoDB support
    • Flatfile support
  • A well furnished, customizable, shop
    • Gun builder (like the original Quake)!
    • More than 130 items to buy (all editable)!
  • A game full of effects!
    • No lag particles on gun shot
    • Fireworks on death
    • Fireworks on winner on game end
  • Placeholder API support
  • Vault API support
  • Developers API
And everything compatible down to 1.8.x!
We'll explain each of this feature in a detailed wiki. Lien Supprimé ou HS

Lien Supprimé ou HS

Lien Supprimé ou HS

Lien Supprimé ou HS



Lien Supprimé ou HS

Lien Supprimé ou HS




Screenshots have be done using Fe as economy plugin. That's why "Fe" after coins value.
And many other shops!

Lien Supprimé ou HS
Installing Quakecraft is really simple:
Main installation:
  1. Download the zip
  2. Extract all files and put them all in the server "plugins" folder. You must copy the configuration files and Uppercore, our core plugin.
  3. If you use it, specify your db in the "store.yml" file, inside Quakecraft folder. You can choose between: flatfile (default), rethinkdb and mongodb. For last two you may have to type also:

    Code (YAML):
    type: rethinkdb

    # all fields down here are optional
    host: your.host.com
    port: 1234
    database: quakecraft
    username: hello_world
    password: my_password123

  4. Start the server
Arena setup:
  • Easy mode (gui):
    1. Run "/quake arena setupgui" and follow the gui instruction to create an arena easily and fast!
  • Complex mode (commands):
    1. Create a new arena using: "/quake arena create <arena_id>"
    2. Type "/quake arena list" to ensure it has been created successfully.
    3. Set its display name with: "/quake arena setname <arena_name>"
    4. Set its lobby with: "/quake arena setlobby <arena_id>"
    5. Add spawn to it with: "/quake arena spawn add <arena_id>"
    6. Set its player limits with: "/quake arena setlimits <arena_id> <min_players> <max_players>"
    7. Set its kills to win with: "/quake arena setkillstowin <arena_id> <kills_to_win>"
    8. Add a powerup to it with: "/quake arena powerup add <effect_type> <respawn_ticks>"
    9. Once you have finished editing your arena, type "/quake arena info <arena_id>" to ensure all is set.
    10. Finally, to enable your arena, run the command: "/quake arena enable <arena_id>"
  • After that use "/quake lobby set" to set your global lobby position
You can add join signs to your arena only after you have enabled it, to do it, just create a sign with a dummy text in it (just to create it), then, while you're pointing the sign, type the command:

Code (Text):
/quake sign add <arena>

If you want to remove you type, again pointing the sign:

Code (Text):
/quake sign remove <arena>

Game mode!
  • Run "/quake shop" to open up the shop gui
  • To join a game type: "/quake join <arena_id>"
  • To quit a game type: "/quake quit"

Permissions are only for commands and they are automatically generated
by our permissions system. By default command permission is auto
generated by its name.

As an example, for the command:
/quake arena join
the permission will be:


We are always maintaining our plugins and listening to customers suggestions!
  • Achievement system
  • Teams!
  • Code improvements
  • Your ideas!


For any question or for bug reporting contact us here:
Our website: https://upperlevel.github.io

Source : Lien Supprimé ou HS
Téléchargement :
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Cordialement Niamorix


l'Affirmé 🥈
Level 1

Torrents Stats

6 Janvier 2020
The plugin is no longer supported for a while.
Both the developers are busy with studies and related projects.

Lien Supprimé ou HS

Definitely one of the most famous and historical Minecraft minigames, we decided to develop it faithfully as the original one and to make it completely customizable at the same time! Lien Supprimé ou HS

Lien Supprimé ou HS

Let's list all of its features! Lien Supprimé ou HS
  • Multi-arena
  • Shop
  • Arena power-ups
  • Money received messages in actionbar
  • Possibility to hide nametags
  • Possibility to disable sneaking
  • 44 configurations files waiting to be edited!
    • Almost all guis are configurable
    • Almost all scoreboards are configurable
    • Almost all hotbars are configurable
    • All messages are configurable
    • All shop features are configurable
    • All game settings are configurable
    • Configurable arena's power-ups
  • Vary database support (to save kills, wins, played matches...)
    • RethinkDB support (suggested)
    • MongoDB support
    • Flatfile support
  • A well furnished, customizable, shop
    • Gun builder (like the original Quake)!
    • More than 130 items to buy (all editable)!
  • A game full of effects!
    • No lag particles on gun shot
    • Fireworks on death
    • Fireworks on winner on game end
  • Placeholder API support
  • Vault API support
  • Developers API
And everything compatible down to 1.8.x!
We'll explain each of this feature in a detailed wiki. Lien Supprimé ou HS

Lien Supprimé ou HS

Lien Supprimé ou HS

Lien Supprimé ou HS



Lien Supprimé ou HS

Lien Supprimé ou HS




Screenshots have be done using Fe as economy plugin. That's why "Fe" after coins value.
And many other shops!

Lien Supprimé ou HS
Installing Quakecraft is really simple:
Main installation:
  1. Download the zip
  2. Extract all files and put them all in the server "plugins" folder. You must copy the configuration files and Uppercore, our core plugin.
  3. If you use it, specify your db in the "store.yml" file, inside Quakecraft folder. You can choose between: flatfile (default), rethinkdb and mongodb. For last two you may have to type also:

    Code (YAML):
    type: rethinkdb

    # all fields down here are optional
    host: your.host.com
    port: 1234
    database: quakecraft
    username: hello_world
    password: my_password123

  4. Start the server
Arena setup:
  • Easy mode (gui):
    1. Run "/quake arena setupgui" and follow the gui instruction to create an arena easily and fast!
  • Complex mode (commands):
    1. Create a new arena using: "/quake arena create <arena_id>"
    2. Type "/quake arena list" to ensure it has been created successfully.
    3. Set its display name with: "/quake arena setname <arena_name>"
    4. Set its lobby with: "/quake arena setlobby <arena_id>"
    5. Add spawn to it with: "/quake arena spawn add <arena_id>"
    6. Set its player limits with: "/quake arena setlimits <arena_id> <min_players> <max_players>"
    7. Set its kills to win with: "/quake arena setkillstowin <arena_id> <kills_to_win>"
    8. Add a powerup to it with: "/quake arena powerup add <effect_type> <respawn_ticks>"
    9. Once you have finished editing your arena, type "/quake arena info <arena_id>" to ensure all is set.
    10. Finally, to enable your arena, run the command: "/quake arena enable <arena_id>"
  • After that use "/quake lobby set" to set your global lobby position
You can add join signs to your arena only after you have enabled it, to do it, just create a sign with a dummy text in it (just to create it), then, while you're pointing the sign, type the command:

Code (Text):
/quake sign add <arena>

If you want to remove you type, again pointing the sign:

Code (Text):
/quake sign remove <arena>

Game mode!
  • Run "/quake shop" to open up the shop gui
  • To join a game type: "/quake join <arena_id>"
  • To quit a game type: "/quake quit"

Permissions are only for commands and they are automatically generated
by our permissions system. By default command permission is auto
generated by its name.

As an example, for the command:
/quake arena join
the permission will be:


We are always maintaining our plugins and listening to customers suggestions!
  • Achievement system
  • Teams!
  • Code improvements
  • Your ideas!


For any question or for bug reporting contact us here:
Our website: https://upperlevel.github.io

Source : Lien Supprimé ou HS
Téléchargement : [<b>Contenu masqué</b>]

Cordialement Niamorix


Master 🏆
Level 1

Torrents Stats

7 Août 2019
The plugin is no longer supported for a while.
Both the developers are busy with studies and related projects.


Definitely one of the most famous and historical Minecraft minigames, we decided to develop it faithfully as the original one and to make it completely customizable at the same time!


Let's list all of its features!

  • Multi-arena
  • Shop
  • Arena power-ups
  • Money received messages in actionbar
  • Possibility to hide nametags
  • Possibility to disable sneaking
  • 44 configurations files waiting to be edited!
    • Almost all guis are configurable
    • Almost all scoreboards are configurable
    • Almost all hotbars are configurable
    • All messages are configurable
    • All shop features are configurable
    • All game settings are configurable
    • Configurable arena's power-ups
  • Vary database support (to save kills, wins, played matches...)
    • RethinkDB support (suggested)
    • MongoDB support
    • Flatfile support
  • A well furnished, customizable, shop
    • Gun builder (like the original Quake)!
    • More than 130 items to buy (all editable)!
  • A game full of effects!
    • No lag particles on gun shot
    • Fireworks on death
    • Fireworks on winner on game end
  • Placeholder API support
  • Vault API support
  • Developers API
And everything compatible down to 1.8.x!
We'll explain each of this feature in a detailed wiki.











Screenshots have be done using Fe as economy plugin. That's why "Fe" after coins value.
And many other shops!


Installing Quakecraft is really simple:
Main installation:
  1. Download the zip
  2. Extract all files and put them all in the server "plugins" folder. You must copy the configuration files and Uppercore, our core plugin.
  3. If you use it, specify your db in the "store.yml" file, inside Quakecraft folder. You can choose between: flatfile (default), rethinkdb and mongodb. For last two you may have to type also:

    Code (YAML):
    type: rethinkdb

    # all fields down here are optional
    host: your.host.com
    port: 1234
    database: quakecraft
    username: hello_world
    password: my_password123

  4. Start the server
Arena setup:
  • Easy mode (gui):
    1. Run "/quake arena setupgui" and follow the gui instruction to create an arena easily and fast!
  • Complex mode (commands):
    1. Create a new arena using: "/quake arena create <arena_id>"
    2. Type "/quake arena list" to ensure it has been created successfully.
    3. Set its display name with: "/quake arena setname <arena_name>"
    4. Set its lobby with: "/quake arena setlobby <arena_id>"
    5. Add spawn to it with: "/quake arena spawn add <arena_id>"
    6. Set its player limits with: "/quake arena setlimits <arena_id> <min_players> <max_players>"
    7. Set its kills to win with: "/quake arena setkillstowin <arena_id> <kills_to_win>"
    8. Add a powerup to it with: "/quake arena powerup add <effect_type> <respawn_ticks>"
    9. Once you have finished editing your arena, type "/quake arena info <arena_id>" to ensure all is set.
    10. Finally, to enable your arena, run the command: "/quake arena enable <arena_id>"
  • After that use "/quake lobby set" to set your global lobby position
You can add join signs to your arena only after you have enabled it, to do it, just create a sign with a dummy text in it (just to create it), then, while you're pointing the sign, type the command:

Code (Text):
/quake sign add <arena>

If you want to remove you type, again pointing the sign:

Code (Text):
/quake sign remove <arena>

Game mode!
  • Run "/quake shop" to open up the shop gui
  • To join a game type: "/quake join <arena_id>"
  • To quit a game type: "/quake quit"

Permissions are only for commands and they are automatically generated
by our permissions system. By default command permission is auto
generated by its name.

As an example, for the command:
/quake arena join
the permission will be:


We are always maintaining our plugins and listening to customers suggestions!
  • Achievement system
  • Teams!
  • Code improvements
  • Your ideas!


For any question or for bug reporting contact us here:
Our website: https://upperlevel.github.io

Source : https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/quakecraft.45928/
Téléchargement : [<b>Contenu masqué</b>]

Cordialement Niamorix


l'Affirmé 🥈
Level 1

Torrents Stats

16 Juin 2019
The plugin is no longer supported for a while.
Both the developers are busy with studies and related projects.


Definitely one of the most famous and historical Minecraft minigames, we decided to develop it faithfully as the original one and to make it completely customizable at the same time!


Let's list all of its features!

  • Multi-arena
  • Shop
  • Arena power-ups
  • Money received messages in actionbar
  • Possibility to hide nametags
  • Possibility to disable sneaking
  • 44 configurations files waiting to be edited!
    • Almost all guis are configurable
    • Almost all scoreboards are configurable
    • Almost all hotbars are configurable
    • All messages are configurable
    • All shop features are configurable
    • All game settings are configurable
    • Configurable arena's power-ups
  • Vary database support (to save kills, wins, played matches...)
    • RethinkDB support (suggested)
    • MongoDB support
    • Flatfile support
  • A well furnished, customizable, shop
    • Gun builder (like the original Quake)!
    • More than 130 items to buy (all editable)!
  • A game full of effects!
    • No lag particles on gun shot
    • Fireworks on death
    • Fireworks on winner on game end
  • Placeholder API support
  • Vault API support
  • Developers API
And everything compatible down to 1.8.x!
We'll explain each of this feature in a detailed wiki.











Screenshots have be done using Fe as economy plugin. That's why "Fe" after coins value.
And many other shops!


Installing Quakecraft is really simple:
Main installation:
  1. Download the zip
  2. Extract all files and put them all in the server "plugins" folder. You must copy the configuration files and Uppercore, our core plugin.
  3. If you use it, specify your db in the "store.yml" file, inside Quakecraft folder. You can choose between: flatfile (default), rethinkdb and mongodb. For last two you may have to type also:

    Code (YAML):
    type: rethinkdb

    # all fields down here are optional
    host: your.host.com
    port: 1234
    database: quakecraft
    username: hello_world
    password: my_password123

  4. Start the server
Arena setup:
  • Easy mode (gui):
    1. Run "/quake arena setupgui" and follow the gui instruction to create an arena easily and fast!
  • Complex mode (commands):
    1. Create a new arena using: "/quake arena create <arena_id>"
    2. Type "/quake arena list" to ensure it has been created successfully.
    3. Set its display name with: "/quake arena setname <arena_name>"
    4. Set its lobby with: "/quake arena setlobby <arena_id>"
    5. Add spawn to it with: "/quake arena spawn add <arena_id>"
    6. Set its player limits with: "/quake arena setlimits <arena_id> <min_players> <max_players>"
    7. Set its kills to win with: "/quake arena setkillstowin <arena_id> <kills_to_win>"
    8. Add a powerup to it with: "/quake arena powerup add <effect_type> <respawn_ticks>"
    9. Once you have finished editing your arena, type "/quake arena info <arena_id>" to ensure all is set.
    10. Finally, to enable your arena, run the command: "/quake arena enable <arena_id>"
  • After that use "/quake lobby set" to set your global lobby position
You can add join signs to your arena only after you have enabled it, to do it, just create a sign with a dummy text in it (just to create it), then, while you're pointing the sign, type the command:

Code (Text):
/quake sign add <arena>

If you want to remove you type, again pointing the sign:

Code (Text):
/quake sign remove <arena>

Game mode!
  • Run "/quake shop" to open up the shop gui
  • To join a game type: "/quake join <arena_id>"
  • To quit a game type: "/quake quit"

Permissions are only for commands and they are automatically generated
by our permissions system. By default command permission is auto
generated by its name.

As an example, for the command:
/quake arena join
the permission will be:


We are always maintaining our plugins and listening to customers suggestions!
  • Achievement system
  • Teams!
  • Code improvements
  • Your ideas!


For any question or for bug reporting contact us here:
Our website: https://upperlevel.github.io

Source : https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/quakecraft.45928/
Téléchargement : [<b>Contenu masqué</b>]

Cordialement Niamorix
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