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Non Vérifié McPhone | Advanced Phone System Version 1.3.1


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Level 2

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21 Décembre 2019

Bonjour à tous, ayant eu l'addon McPhone dans mon calendrier de l'avant gmodstore de cet hiver je comptais le partager avec vous (je sait ce que c'est que de pas avoir les thunes pour les addons),

  • Téléchargement :
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  • Lien officiel : https://www.gmodstore.com/market/view/mcphone-advanced-phone-system-1
  • Description :
    Introducing to you - the McPhone. You have seen it somewhere before, and now you can experience it one more time on your DarkRP server. This phone will bring a lot of new game experiences and unique roleplay features to your server!

    Our main goal was to create a simple to use, customize, and configure phone, with a lot of unique and advanced features. This is the first gmodstore addon that allows you to control your phone on a go! You do not need to stop and navigate your phone through the UI, which you still can use, if you want, now you can use your mouse or a keyboard to take a call, text, and much more.

  • Installation [FR] : Mettre le dossier dans garrysmod/addons/
  • Installation [EN] : Put the folder in garrysmod/addons/

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