Commande console KingsRoad


VeryLeak's Unique Member 👑
Level 5

Torrents Stats

1 031
1 404
22 DĂ©cembre 2015

Pour ceux qui joue à KingsRoad (depuis Facebook) et qui savent ouvrir la console (Trainer 😁)
Voila la liste des commandes :
type 'help command' for detailed help on a command:
@3147 - Grant experience to your apprentice
addplayerexperience - addplayerexperience <experience to add>
apprenticequestreset - Reset your apprentice's quests
autoplay - commands related to autoplay
battlepets - commands related to battlepets
big - Display expanded console
bug - Bug entry
cache - manage local file caching
cls - Clear console
cooldown - commands about ability cooldowns
crash - crash the application
debuggrantpet - Grants pets of specified level
debugtimeoffset - Offset time used for several UI features by x ms
dialog - Displays a dialog on screen.
event - Special event debug commands
exit - Close the command console
googleplay - commands related to Google Play Services
gpu - list GPU resource usage
guild - Run guild commands from the console.

help - Get help on console commands
iap - in-app purchase tools
infinitemana - Allow your current character to have infinite mana
info - Display info on system and game state
inv - inv swap [sourceType] [sourceIndex] [destType] [destIndex] -- attempts to swap items between inventories
inv sell [index] (quantity) -- attempts to sell the item in the general inventory at specified index, optional quantity
inv sellall -- sells all items in your inventory
inv fill -- fills your inventory with random items
inv use [index] -- attempts to use the item in the general inventory at specified index
inv clearnew [index] -- attempts to clear the new flag from the item in the general inventory at specified index
inv debuggrant [itemName] (quantity) (identify) -- attempts to create and add an item to the player's general inventory, optional quantity. Passing identify as the 4th parameter will identify the item.
inv spawnitem [itemName] (quantity) -- attempts to create and drop an item on the floor, optional quantity.
inv list [type] [startIndex]-[endIndex] -- lists the contents of an inventory between the specified indices
inv collect [escrowType] [index] -- attempts to collect the contents of the specified escrow slot
inv buyspeedup [escrowType] [index] -- attempts to purchase a speed up on the specified escrow slot
inv debugspeedup [escrowType] [index] -- debug request to advance the timer on the specified escrow slot
inv loadout [level] -- load a predefined character loadout based on level.
accepted values for inventory type fields: gen, vlt, kni, arc
accepted values for escrow type fields: tailor, forge, baker, alch
inv creategrant [rewardstring] -- create a world items with the passed reward string

invinciblecharacter - Make your current character invincible
killcharacter - Kill your current character
launchparams - Display launch parameters
locale - A set of commands used to manage locale
localnotification - Local Notification Utilities (device only)
map - Map state utilities
mission - Mission debug commands
open - Open the command console
pools - dump object pool state
profile - Toggle display of profilers
promote - promote <promotion level>
promote buynext
quest - Quest debug commands
rapiconfig - generate a rapi config string
render - Toggle various rendering features on and off
resetannounce - resetannounce
resetcharacter - Reset your character to its initial state upon next login
resetdailylogin - resets player's daily login bonus calendar
resetmap - reset the map used on the next level start
resetwing - resetwing
serverlog - Server log messaging
setplayerlevel - setplayerlevel <desired level>
setwinglevel - setwinglevel <power level> <stat level> <apperance level>
sharelog - share the debug log as an email
small - Display reduced console
social - Social debug functions
sound - sound playback status
store - Store debugging functions
timedbonus - commands to activate/manage timed bonus state
ui - Provides access to various ui features and configurations
unlockmap - Unlocks a specific map
uservars - Generates a uservars.xml string that can be used to debug against a live server and platform
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